Category Archives: Sales and Marketing

Sales ! Most Challenging Career ?

At the very outset I would like to completely disagree with the subject. Let me tell you all a small story to establish why I feel so.

A few years ago there was a new recruits batch being trained to start their sales job with our company. The batch consisted of individuals with an average age group of 21 to 22 years. They were literally stepping into the corporate world and most of them being freshers our company was their stepping stone for the long journey they were about to embark on. I just happen to pass the training area when I over heard one of the trainees say, “Sir ! Sales is the most difficult job. No one wants to have a sales job nowadays. Its just that I could not find another alternative that I have taken up this job.” Hearing this, the sales man from inside me could not hold himself back and he made me barge into the training session straight away.

I asked the trainee why did he think like this. He answered in a flat tone that everyone he knows says so. Hearing this I thought of giving him a new perspective to his thought.

I went upto the trainer’s dais and asked him, ” What do you think the trainer is doing here ? Don’t you think he is selling his knowledge to you? ”

Honestly speaking I think sales is the most predominantly present aspect in our lives. Having said that sales should be one thing that should come to us naturally. Sales is all around us and we all are selling something or the other every moment in our lives. What is a sale ? According to me the idea of sales is to get something we want in exchange of something that we want to part ways with. In fact in my opinion we start selling the moment we see the fist light on earth. The day we are born we cry. Tears are something we part ways with to get ourselves fed and thats what our want is at that moment.

We all have sold since that day. According to me the list below is the most common form of sales most of us would relate to from our past lives.

  • Lying to our parents about a tuition that never existed [ sales pitch ] in order to get the fees for the same to go for a movie or on a date or party with friends [ product ].
  • Asking money for a book that we never wanted [ sales pitch ] to get the money for something completely different [ product ].
  • Telling those fake stories and tales to our friends [ sales pitch ] to make them respect us or envy us [ product ]

If we look around we are all selling something or the other every moment of our life. We just choose not to notice it or in most of the cases we are too caught up with ourselves to pay attention to whats happening around us.

We just need to empty our mind and the world around us will start solving all our problems and give us answer to every question we have.

In light of the above incidence I would like to conclude that personally I feel sales is the easiest job one can have since it is an embedded gene code that we are born with. Most of us just fail to realize this fact.

Hope after reading this post you guys would start looking at a sales career with a slight tilt in your perspective.





Sales and Marketing

Dear Readers,

This is my first post for sales and marketing category. My future posts in this category would be about my experiences and learning that I have gathered over the years that I have been working.

In my future posts under this category I shall be sharing what ever I have taught people to be a successful sales person.

I am sure there are a lot of people who have benefitted out of my knowledge sharing and thus I thought to take my learnings and put it on the web for maximum number of people to benefit out of the same.

The future posts will give the readers a perspective with which I have seen sales and marketing all my life.

Disclaimer : These are just my personal experiences and point of view that I am sharing and they are completely original content. Not copied from anywhere. Any resemblance to any material published or unpublished in any form is purely coincidental and unintentional.